Tuesday 25 September 2012

Drive one nail...

...every day.

That's the new motto flying around, and it works. Didn't get alot done today, but made some progress, and I feel really good about it. Took my XS wheels for the new tyres putting on, and started putting the Bandit engine back together.

I had noticed some grime in the bottom of the engine so after a quick trip to Halfords for some carb cleaner (powerful stuff!) I blasted a whole can of it into the bottom of the engine. I then washed it through with fresh engine oil.

After tenderly attaching the cleaned and polished pistons, I gently lowered the barrels over the top, realized I had neglected to push the chain guide in place, swore loudly, and took it off to try again.

Second time lucky, I'm really pleased with how its coming together. Just look at that gasket face gleeeam!!!


  1. Will this be a keeper or a seller?

  2. Probably hang onto it for now. Its my first ever bike, and first project, so looking forward to riding it round a bit. Though I may be tempted to sacrifice it for future projects...
