Got some decent shed time this weekend so decided to get creative and try something new. The warped frame issue was getting me down a bit, and that combined with the weather and a prolonged cold meant that I haven't been feeling much shed love recently. So time to mix it up a bit!
I decided that I wasnt happy with the ram-air filters I had purchased. They are longer than I would like and a bit too modern looking, so inspired by what TC made with his, I thought Id have a go too.

So to start with I needed a tube the right size. I measured the diameter of the filter material and worked out the circumference, and therefore the length of sheet metal I would need to make the tube. TC has lent me this simple but very handy sheet metal roller.

Doesn't quite round the edges of nicely, but its close enough. I cut out some over-large end plates and did lots of tacking to keep everything in place while I chopped it in two.

For the fit onto the carbs, I chopped up a piece of thick tube which was roughly the right size, and turned the bore to fit the carb inlets nice and snug.

Then I welded these onto the end plates and tacked it all together. Followed by welding.

I was running out of gas badly so some of the welding is a bit shit, but I couldnt get any more gas over the bank holiday so carried on regardless!
At this point I realized that I had put a lot of time and effort into what is basically two cans. Then comes the tricky bit, I decided that a nice even hole pattern was in order, so after practicing on a flat bit of sheet, I marked it all out and punched the holes.

This took ages, and drilling each hole also took ages and was quite fiddly. Fortunately my dad was on hand to help out at this point so I cant take all the credit. We agreed that it probably would have been easier to mark out and drill all of the holes on a flat sheet first, then roll it up into a tube. But we had no idea whether or not this would be as successful as rolling a solid sheet. Either way, we persevered and finished up with this;

I trimmed the filter material down to size and stuffed that in, and tried it on the bike;

I'm really chuffed with the result! No doubt someone will point out that it probably wont work, or allow enough air into the carbs, but for now I'm pleased with it. Just need to make a few slits on the collar where it fits onto the carb so the jubilee clip will tighten it up nicely.
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