Finished setting up the boyer: set the engine to the 'advance' timing mark (I'm not pleased with transferring the timing marks with the PMA - I like accuracy!), and lined up the little white spot through the hole in the boyer plate;

Then I started on the wiring. I followed my diagram that put up a while ago, and just kept connecting things bit by bit. At this stage I wasn't worried about neatness or routing etc, just wanted to get a working circuit.

I must say the crimping tool and other bits that I got from Vehicle Wiring Products made this very easy. Just cut the wire to length and crimp the appropriate connector on - simples!! This meant that I quickly got the necessary wiring in place for the starting circuit, so I thought what the hell - might as well give it a go!
But before I could do this I needed to sort a few other bits - oil in the engine, put the carbs back on etc. I used an auxiliary fuel tank and put some petrol into the carbs - overflowed on the left side!! A careful disassemble in-situe revealed that I had set the float about 5mm out - DOH! So back together and checked everything else over before nervously connecting the battery.
I got a fire extinguisher to hand and turned it on - it did not spontaneously combust I'm pleased to say - so i pushed the starter button and it turned over...!!! Brilliant the wiring is working I thought.... so I kept at it for a few seconds and BAM! the bike fired up!!!
I didnt run it for very long because it was 11.30pm and it was loud, so I turned the key to stop the engine kept going!! Shit! So I ended up pulling wires out of the fuse box untill one of them killed the engine.... Needless to say Im chuffed to bits and pretty impressed that the thing fired up, I thought Id be lucky if it turned over at all.
The thing rattled like hell mind - i havent got anything bolted down or tightened up so the engine looked like it was trying to make a break for the door! No video Im afraid, but this is what I had set up;

Good news chap!!